Hey there!
Can you believe that it's October already!? I honestly can't. This year has gone so quickly - time is definitely going faster as I get older, that's for sure!
Life has been good lately, here are five reasons why...
Life has been good lately, here are five reasons why...

1. The response to my recent 'learning to love my curls' blog post and Instagram posts has been truly lovely - thank you! Going from almost-daily straightening to giving my hair the biggest break it's had in 13+ years was a pretty big deal.
I'm honestly so proud of myself for leaving my hair in its natural condition for over five weeks - something I couldn't have imagined doing even just a few months ago. I can now say that I positively, most definitely, love my curly hair. I finally have the confidence to embrace it, and it now gives me more confidence, too!
Contrary to what I've just said, as I write this I have just recently straightened my hair. My plan was never to quit using straighteners completely, but to simply learn to love and appreciate the hair I was born with, and give it a much needed break from heat. Much like how people dye, curl and/or wear extensions to suit their style, mood or just because, I plan to mix up my hair as both styles make me happy - so sometimes you'll see me with curly hair, sometimes straight.

2. A couple of weekends ago Rob and I went on our annual camping trip to Rendlesham, Suffolk. Despite having two amazing holidays this year (Florida & Mallorca!) we couldn't wait for another little break away, just the two of us. It was a little more rainy than previous trips, but oh so lovely nevertheless.
Our weekend was spent keeping cosy in the tent, taking naps whenever we fancied, making the most of the moments of sunshine and just enjoying the simple things - it was bloody lovely. I can't fully describe how carefree and happy I feel when we go camping - all my worries just disappear, I completely switch off from work, and just spending so much time in Rob's company, well, I absolutely love it.
On our way home it's tradition to take a small detour to Aldeburgh to have fish & chips at the seaside - well worth the visit as they are the best I've ever had!

3. Having been an avid William Morris fan and collector for many years, I was very excited when two of my favourite companies, Morris & Co and Heathcote & Ivory sent me some gifts! When a brand you have loved for a long time recognises you in such a way, well it makes you feel quite special, doesn't it?
I received a couple of pieces from our Pure Morris Collection, featuring some of Morris' most iconic patterns in a pared back palettes. I'm so used to seeing his patterns in colour, but there's something about these simple designs which is really quite special. I've gone through many Heathcote & Ivory hand creams over the years, so I'm very excited to pop these in my handbag and display them on my dressing table.
It's been on my to-blog list for a very long time to show you my full William Morris collection - I reckon I have at least 100 pieces featuring his designs now, from stationery and clothes to bedding and homeware! It will most definitely have to be a series of posts - I aim to get the first one up next month!

4. From one William Morris thing to another - this time something bespoke, thanks to the talented Laura at Tee Party Clothing! Laura recently got in touch to ask if I'd like a personalised t-shirt - and as you can see I of course jumped at the chance! I sent over of my favourite Morris patterns, Willow Bough, and a few days later she presented me two initial design sketches for my thoughts. They were just as I imagined, and after working on a few tweaks together, this beautiful tee above arrived in the post. I'm in awe of how beautiful and intricate the hand embroidery is - I'm already planning my next design!
5. Around my 25th birthday I set myself five goals and resolutions to hopefully achieve by my 26th birthday. I'm very happy to say that I've nearly reached my savings target for 2017(!!!), feel much more inspired with my blog/Instagram content and am quite content with my work/life balance - result! I recently mentioned on Instagram that I do need a little more motivation in other areas of my life, but it's all a working progress and I'm proud of what I've achieved so far.
Love Jazz x
Five things on my wishlist:
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